surprised什麼意思中文 surprised中文什麼意思

surprised什麼意思中文 surprised中文什麼意思


2、You can imagine how surprised I was.你可以想象我是多麼驚訝。

3、I was not surprised in the least.我一點也不感到驚訝。

4、They are so surprised by the prevalence of anti-government sentiments.他們對普遍存在的反政府情緒感到很吃驚。

5、I was surprised to find that the strong man liked to eat conserves.我很驚訝地發現這個強壯的男人喜歡吃蜜餞。

6、In fact Im rather surprised you havent done so already.你還沒有這樣做,我實在感到驚訝。

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