新年祝福語英文版簡短 過年的英文祝福語帶翻譯

新年祝福語英文版簡短 過年的英文祝福語帶翻譯

祝你新年愉快,快樂常在。I wish you a happy new year.

新年快樂,祝:成功事業屬於你,開心笑容常伴你!Happy new year, I wish you success, happy smile always accompany you!

願你事業有成,前程似錦。Wish you success in your career and bright future.

新年好!心情好,身體好,萬事順。happy new year! Good mood, good health, everything goes well.

除夕佳節,祝你合傢團圓!New years Eve, I wish you family reunion!

祝你身體健康,新年快樂!I wish you good health and a happy New Year!

願您新年佳節,合傢團圓!Wish you a happy New Year!

願節日的愉快伴你一生。May the joy of the festival be with you all your life.

祝除夕幸福繞,牛年大吉!Happy New Years Eve and the year of the ox!

虎年穿新衣,吉祥使您美。Wear new clothes in the year of the ox, auspiciousness makes you beautiful.

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