關於新年的英語句子 新年的英文句子帶翻譯

關於新年的英語句子 新年的英文句子帶翻譯

送你一份祝福,願全傢幸福。Wish you happiness.

春節問候到,煩惱全感冒,健康來報道,幸福開口笑。Spring Festival greetings to, worry all cold, health to report, happy mouth smile.

祝你大年喜樂唱,願你健康幸福長!I wish you happy new year, wish you health and happiness!

祝新年快樂,心想事成,福壽安康!Wish you a happy new year, everything you want, good health and longevity!

祝您新年快樂,幸福如意,一順百順,事事順心!I wish you a happy new year, happiness, good luck, everything goes well!

屬你最行,牛年有愛情,幸福永不停。 belongs to you, love in the year of the ox, happiness never stops.

成績靠努力,幸福靠奮鬥。祝我們傢繼續蒸蒸日上!Achievement depends on hard work, happiness depends on struggle. Wish our family continue to prosper!

祝你有人緣,事業順利不心煩。I wish you success in your career and popularity.

願你手邊多銀財,方寸永不亂。 may you have more money and never be confused.

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