關於春節的英語名言 春節的中英文名言介紹

關於春節的英語名言 春節的中英文名言介紹

火銷燈盡天明後,便就就是平頭六十人。When the fire pin lamp is finished, it will be sixty flat headed people.

生盆火烈轟鳴竹,守歲筳開聽頌椒。A pot of fire roared bamboo, ShouSui open to listen to the song pepper.

爆竹一聲除舊歲,桃符萬戶迎新春。With the sound of firecrackers, thousands of Taofu households welcome the new year.

玉宇無塵千頃碧,銀花有焰萬傢春。Jade dust-free, a thousand acres of green, silver flowers have flame, wanjiachun.

入春才七日,離傢已二年。Its only seven days into spring, and its been two years since I left home.

今年元夜時,月與燈依舊。On New Years Eve, the moon and the lamp are still the same.

四序開新律,三陽應慶生。Three yang should celebrate their birthday.

鶯啼燕語報新年,馬邑龍堆路幾千。he new year is announced by the warblers and swallows, and there are thousands of roads in Mayi.

故鄉今夜思千裡,霜鬢明朝又一年。Home tonight thinking thousands of miles, frost Temple Ming Dynasty another year.

萬物迎春送殘臘,一年結局在今宵。All things in spring send residual wax, the end of the year tonight.

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