大年初一的英文 大年初一的英文怎樣讀

大年初一的英文 大年初一的英文怎樣讀

1、大年初一的英文:the lunar New Years Day。

2、On the morning of New Years day, we first must set off a string of fire crackers to ward off the evil.大年初一的早上,先得放一掛鞭炮驅驅邪。

3、From the first day of the lunar year, people pay New Year calls on relatives and friends, which is an important custom for the Spring Festival.過瞭除夕就是大年初一。從初一開始,人們要走親戚、看朋友,互相拜年。拜年,是春節的重要習俗。拜年時,大傢都要說一些祝願幸福、健康的吉祥話。

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