春節來歷英文 春節有哪些來歷

春節來歷英文 春節有哪些來歷

1、A long time ago, there was a monster called Nian. It often bullied the people living in the mountains in winter. Some people wanted to get rid of it, and some people wanted to drive it away. One day Nian came again, and many peoples homes were attacked.很久很久以前,有一個叫“年”的怪物,它經常在冬天欺負住在山裡的人們,有一些人想把它除掉,也有一些人想把它趕走。有一天“年”又來瞭,許多人傢裡都遭到瞭襲擊。

2、Only a few houses were hung with red curtains, and there were no injuries to those who had lit fires or knocked on the outside of their doors, so the people in the mountains knew that Nian was afraid of three things. 隻有幾戶掛著紅佈簾,門外生著火堆或敲敲打打鬧翻天的人傢沒有受到傷害,因此山裡的人們知道瞭“年”怕三樣東西。

3、When year comes again, people use these three kinds of things to drive away this big monster, from then on dare not to hurt people. From one generation to the next, the custom of celebrating the Lunar New year has come into being. 當“年”再來的時候,人們用這三樣東西把這個大怪物給趕走瞭,從此都不敢來傷害人們瞭。以後代代相傳,便形成瞭過年熱鬧的習俗。

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